Welcome Wreckers
The Weatherly Area High School Alumni Association (WAHSAA) is an organization made up of individuals who attended the Weatherly Area School District at any grade level (Graduation is not a requirement) and associate members who support the mission and purpose of the Association.
In the news...
The Mrs. Charles M. (Emma Eurana Dinkey) Schwab Portrait, painted by artist Richard Hall hung in the Schwab Mansion in New York City until her death in 1939. Mr. Schwab then offered the portrait to the townspeople of Weatherly as a gift to remember his wife. The townspeople accepted the portrait; which was crated and shipped by rail. Upon its arrival, the portrait was placed in the lobby of the Mrs. C. M. Schwab School (Weatherly High School) for it was the only building with high enough ceilings to display the life-size portrait. |
The painting remained in the lobby until the school closed in June of 1991. Early plans would have the painting moved to the new Weatherly Area High School lobby, however because of the age of the painting and the fact it hung next to a large cast iron radiator caused the painting to begin slipping from its frame and several cracks had formed in the plaster of paris frame. An estimate of repairs came in at around $10,000 and talk began to circulate that it would be best to ship the painting to the state museum in Harrisburg. The Weatherly Citizens Committee under the leadership of Betty Henry was formed to raise the necessary funds to restore the painting at which the school board agreed to accept it and hang it in the new Weatherly Area High School lobby. In hopes of raising the money needed, the committee set out by contacting as many former graduates of Weatherly High School. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gans of Hazleton, owners of Cable TV, Inc. contacted the committee and pledged $10,000 for the restoration. The painting was removed from the Schwab School in June of 1991 and taken to Carlisle, Pennsylvania for restoration by Brian Howard and returned to the new Weatherly Area High School on January 25, 1992. The portrait was presented to the Weatherly Area School Board and rededicated on March 1, 1992. The committee raised $24,585.00, $9,300.00 to restore the painting, $3,650.00 to repair the plaster of pairs frame, and $7,375.00 for the custom made glass and steel frame that encloses the portrait which was crafted by John Craig, owner of Glass Creations in Hazleton. After all bills were paid, the Weatherly Citizen’s Committee transitioned into the Weatherly Area High School Alumni Association under the leadership of Wilbur (Tim) Frable. The school district owns the painting and the alumni association is financially responsible for its upkeep. The painting has an estimated value of $25,000.00. |
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